今天,Ms. Lam School教育體系中3間托嬰中心、4間幼兒園、以及長華小學的全體同仁齊聚一堂,一起了解我們的宇宙任務:
這次很榮幸地邀請到綠色和平組織的黃主任,帶我們詳細認識氣候變遷的急迫危害,以及採取行動的方式。大家長Ms. Lam則利用新生園全新整修完工的美麗外牆,闡述Our Mission:傳遞愛——包含父母對親子這般天生的愛,以及人類愛護地球這般需要刻意努力付出的愛。
我們也在這種大場合介紹了長華小學的新任校長Ms. Teresa,並讓所有Ms. Lam School大家庭的成員有機會互相認識。
Our Mission: inherit the spirit of "love" in Montessori school. Love the earth and the universe. Magnify love to the greatest! Actions bring about changes~
Today, every staff member of Ms. Lam School, including three care centers, four kindergartens, and TMIS gathered together to understand our universal mission:
It is our great privilege to invite Ms. Huang, the director of Green Peace, to introduce the threats of climate change and ways to respond. Ms. Lam illustrated Our Mission with the brand new gorgeous wall of Xin Sheng: Spread love -- including the "natural love" such as parents' love toward their children and the "effortful love" such as human's love for protecting our earth.
We also introduced the new principal of TMIS, Ms. Teresa on this occasion. The members of Ms. Lam School's big family also seize the chance to know one another.
Let us face the future together with burning love in our hearts. See you on Thursday!
#mslamschool #micasa #montessoris