In miCasa, we will invite the children to prepare the ingredients for our lunch. ex. cutting, peeling, and washing.
On one hand, most children nowadays only see processed and cooked food, hence, we hope to provide the children with different experiences via food preparation; on the other hand, we wish to help the children to become independent through the process. They can learn skills, develop their movement coordination by repetitive pracitces, and believe in themselves to accomplish the tasks. The children can also develop their language aside from movement and experience. We will tell them the name of the vegetables, quantifiers, and adjectives, such as two pieces of potatoes, long green beans, etc.
In fact, the work has not always been as smooth as the picture. For instance, when we first invited the children to wash vagetables, they thought they should use hand soap, just like washing hands. Therefore, often times the vagetables would float in the sea of bubbles if the adults were not paying attention to them. Similiar situations decrease a lot after they get more used to the steps.
Except for including the children in food preparation in miCasa, parents can invite them to preapre for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home as well! You can welcome them to set the table, wash, peel, and cut ingredients, and even put the ingredients into the pots. We believe that children's satisafying face when enjoying the meals they prepared would not make you regret for having them during the cooking process!
#mslamschool #micasa #montessoris